Here is the documentation for Fx.Elements.js.
Fx.Elements allows you to apply any number of styles transitions to a selection of elements. Includes colors (must be in hex format). This Class is often implemented into others. For example, the Accordion effect applies numerous transition changes to numerous elements at once. Here's a simple example:
Here are three divs for this example:
var myElementsEffects = new Fx.Elements($$('div.exampleBar')); myElementsEffects.start({ '0': { /* let's change the first element's opacity and width */ 'opacity': [0,1], 'width': [100,200] }, '1': { /* and the second one's opacity */ 'opacity': [0.2, 0.5] }, '2': { /* and the third's height */ 'height': 40 /* from whatever it's at now to 40 */ } });

mootorial/08-plugins/00-fxplugins/02-fx.elements.txt · Last modified: 2008/10/27 23:53